
Author: Dr Paul Dyer (Dr Paul Dyer)

The Underground Railroad / Memorial Day

The Underground Railroad / Memorial Day

There is an immediate vision when we see or hear these words. The vision of struggle and freedom combined with lots and lots of trauma and death. Then there is Memorial Day that people celebrate with glee and cheer. Not remembering the death of others who sacrifice for the service to others. History is often...

We Are Far From Our Lives

We Are Far From Our Lives

It may be hard to believe, but 9 out of 10 adults breathe incorrectly, thereby impairing their health and exacerbating anxiety and depression. Fortunately, learning to breathe correctly is not a complicated affair. I have been trained in many science art forms and I truly practice and cherish them all and what the person I...

Awareness And The Mind

Awareness And The Mind

Awareness, awakening or whatever term you wish to use is what enlightenment is about.  I am often asked how and why I practice The Living Art. I say “it is not to be better it is to awaken the whole”.  Coming to this, our natural state is not a easy task, however it is not...

All Men Reach And Fall

All Men Reach And Fall

written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer GM All Men Reach And Fall Our image of the future is instrumental in the evolution of the world. It is important that we imagine the best possible future for ourselves. Our DNA contains not only our past but also our future and is a prospective blueprint. There is...

What do these things have in common?

What do these things have in common?

What do these things have in common? Japan’s black widow, George Floyd’s murder, Former Maryland Medical Examiner, Dr. David Fowler, and Kathrine Morris, a Maryland woman found dead in her car in 2012. By:  Vickie Gipson What do these things have in common?  Kanae Kijima, Japan’s black widow, George Floyd’s murder, Dr. David Fowler, the...

Your Adversary -Anniversary

Your Adversary -Anniversary

I talk about emotion science and the education of the living sciences. I teach how we are connected through timeless genetic codes. What many fails to understand is that our bodies vibrates at healing frequencies when we are practicing and living in grace and joy. This grace and joy is celebrated when we are free....

Mr. Jim Crow Has New Clothes

Mr. Jim Crow Has New Clothes

We have gotten dress up to go out before on that special event or even a special date. I know of a person or Idea that has dressed up for 2021 and his name is Mr. Jim Crow. Mr. Crow has a new suite on and is walking larger than life in front of me...