You Are Spending Like A Slave

I must approach this topic with a heavy hand.  The spending habits of any group of people, including Black Americans, are influenced by a variety of factors, and it is essential to consider the historical, social, and economic contexts when discussing this issue. The phenomenon of Black Americans spending money outside their community has been a subject of interest and concern for many years, but people except your masters have understood for hundreds of years how they to get you spending money outside your community. Culture shapes our beliefs, values, and behaviors, providing a societal framework that guides our interactions and decisions.

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The problem is Black Americans have no culture. Yet, there are instances when individuals deviate from the norms and expectations of their culture, acting in ways that seem contrary to their upbringing.

African American slaves have been passing down trauma since 1600. We have not stop any behaviors taught, in fact we have perfected it on ourselves. We have evolved the slave treatment on ourselves.

Slavery is the chapter of the United States that is the light of who we are and what we have become to ourselves. This chapter in human history has left a deep and lasting impact on individuals who were subjected to its dehumanizing practices. The experience of being enslaved not only affects one’s physical well-being but also profoundly alters their thinking, beliefs, and behavior.

This has resulted in a lack of businesses and services within the communities and keeping the money circulating within communities.   Black consumers in their slave traditional thinking perceive that businesses outside their community offer better quality products or a wider variety of options. This perception has driven you to spend money in stores or establishments that you believe offer superior goods or services.        “Your Slave Mind At Work”

Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that individuals experience psychological discomfort when their beliefs or behaviors are inconsistent with one another in the community. American Africans were dehumanization, and it eroded their sense of self-worth and distorts the perception of our own humanity. Over time, enslaved individuals came to believe the degrading narratives imposed upon them by their oppressors, leading to a profound sense of helplessness and powerlessness and spending money to your slave master. If you cannot still understand why we are still not a community, then what are you waiting for? This action has caused a chemistry brain change that has not been learn by the many of American Africans in the United States.

 Yes, there is data showing that, without adequate community backing, many Black owned businesses will find it challenging to attract and retain customers, causing residents to spend their money elsewhere. I heard people say that the states don’t support the development of the community, so it is an unpleasant experience. Well let me tell you in other countries that are in war zones, their communities still walk through the rubble to support each other. There is no excuse. There should be no lack of awareness about the importance of supporting local businesses and the benefits of circulating money within the community. However, the scars left by slavery are not easily erased, and the legacy of trauma has continued to influence the thinking and behavior of the collective Black communities long after they have been liberated from physical bondage. 

The legacy of slavery has created barriers to intimacy, communication, and emotional expression, making it challenging for American Africans to establish healthy and fulfilling relationships with others. Moreover, the internalized beliefs of inferiority and unworthiness that result from the experience of slavery has led individuals to perpetuate cycles of abuse, exploitation, and oppression in their relationships with others. The intergenerational transmission of trauma and the perpetuation of harmful patterns of behavior are common outcomes of the psychological impact of slavery, highlighting the enduring legacy of this heinous institution on individuals and societies.

While some may say they recognized this, then why don’t they change their behaviors, but make cognitive bias statements in explaining why they don’t fully support Black communities and businesses. This thinking is the deep training of slavery. When individuals engage in actions that go against their culture but align with their personal desires or beliefs, dopamine release can reinforce these behaviors, making them more likely to recur. This conflict can trigger changes in brain chemistry, as the brain works to reconcile the conflicting beliefs and behaviors, potentially leading individuals to act against their culture.

While brain chemistry plays a significant role in shaping behavior, environmental factors also play a crucial role in influencing individuals to go against their culture.

Neurotransmitters, cognitive processes, environmental factors, and individual differences all contribute to shaping how individuals navigate cultural dissonance. By understanding the intricate relationship between brain chemistry and cultural behaviors, we can gain insights into the complexities of human nature and the ways in which individuals navigate the dynamic interplay between personal beliefs and their own race of people.

Black Americans keep spending money outside their community are multifaceted and deeply rooted in slavery, social, and economic factors. This is still not an excuse or reason when we have been educated to be better, this allows us to do better, and we are still not doing better.

Conclusion, no there are no conclusions because this still and has been affected us when the chains went on and is till locks our minds the chains are still on. The psychological impact of slavery is profound and far-reaching, shaping the thinking, beliefs, and behavior of individuals, slavery has altered the mindset and will continue until you dig into your own slave developed mind.

Stop Waiting on Them To Save US!!

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer