Category: inMobile


National Conference is establishing and sustaining Health Ministries for African Americans

For 29 years: The Balm In Gilead, Inc. builds and strengthens the capacity of African-American faith communities to deliver programs and services that contribute to the elimination of health disparities. Healthy Churches 2020 National Conference is the leading training conference for establishing and sustaining Health Ministries for congregations serving African Americans. Their goal: Increase an understanding...

Alabama Rated as 2016 2nd Unhappiest State

Alabama Rated as 2016 2nd Unhappiest State

Can money truly buy happiness? Most people might be inclined to say no, based on moral principles. But some researchers beg to differ, suggesting that money can indeed contribute to happiness — but only up to a certain dollar amount. According to their findings, life satisfaction, one of the two main components of happiness, increases...

Take a ‘Break’: Making Spring Break a Time For Family

Take a ‘Break’: Making Spring Break a Time For Family

  By Sharlinda Parker For decades, spring break has been a week that students of all ages, including college students, look forward to. It’s a week that normally gets students prepared for the upcoming summer season. Even if you have a summer vacation or getaway planned, I encourage every family to take the time to enjoy...

10 Things Never To say To Your Hairstylist

10 Things Never To say To Your Hairstylist

Sponsored by INV Premium Hair. Get 100% Grade 8A Virgin hair at AMAZING LOW Prices Never Say… I’m running an hour late! Girl! Get yourself together. An hour late to any appointment is unacceptable. Never Say… Do you mind if I talk on my phone while you style? Hairstylists give their undivided attention to our...

Make The Time & Take The Time: Don’t Cheat on Your Family!

Make The Time & Take The Time: Don’t Cheat on Your Family!

  By Sharlinda Parker Your immediate family should be your first priority – the thing you say “yes” to even when it means saying “no” to other important things! We all know that, as parents, we have to work in order to take care of our households. We always strive to make sure our families can...

The Caribbean – Close and Convenient

The Caribbean – Close and Convenient

The Caribbean islands are a great vacation option for most Americans. Due to their proximity, vacations to these destinations are close, convenient and remarkably affordable. Many people think of the Caribbean as strictly beach, sun and fun. While all islands can provide this experience, there’s so much more available. While many islands may have some...

What’s The Deal With Going Gluten-Free?

What’s The Deal With Going Gluten-Free?

You may be wondering about just what a “gluten- free” diet is for many reasons. Maybe you were recently diagnosed  with celiac disease, or maybe your child’s classmate can’t enjoy sweets that include gluten. You may have noticed restaurant menu selections marked “gluten-free” or all the foods in grocery stores that sport gluten-free labels. So...

Fashion Refresh: Tips to Rework and Remix Your Wardrobe

Fashion Refresh: Tips to Rework and Remix Your Wardrobe

   By Ché Mia Mack With spring right around the corner, it’s almost closet purging season. We all have clothes and shoes in our (or our children’s) closets that we have outgrown, been meaning to get rid of or that need to be donated to our local thrift stores or shelters. But WAIT! Before you make...

“Black Coffee” Wakes Up Social Advocacy For Black Men

“Black Coffee” Wakes Up Social Advocacy For Black Men

 Atlanta Author R.L. Byrd has utilized his passion for writing to provide a voice from the African-American male’s multifaceted perspective on love, life & more. In his newest fictional release, Black Coffee, the Brothers break their silence on some of the most pressing social issues challenging today’s black males: Disproportionate homicide rates, unintentional injuries, suicide,...