Sherika Nicole Talks About “Stepping Out On Faith”

Please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

Hi I’m Sherika Nicole Jernigan, founder and owner of Sherika Nicole’s Media Outlet. My business is based on advertising and marketing, where I work closely with business owners and upcoming entrepreneurs. My team and I analyze ways to help build, boost, and grow their business. Whether it being their audience, sales, customers or clients. I’m a business owner today because I simply stepped out on faith, operating in my gift and l trusted God in the process of it all. Sherika Nicole’s Media Outlet will host its second business expo coming to the city of Eufaula on July 11th. We have doubled the vendors spots from its first one in January. My vision has made a major impact on the city and my business platform.

Sherika Jernigan founder of Sherika Nicole’s Media Outlet

Sherika Nicole, what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from others?

My business have two mottos that I go by. “Stand out from the crowd and own your brand through social media and marketing.” “Paving a way for upcoming business brands success through social media and marketing.” I believe in being unique and different. There’s something about any business and brand that sets its own tone and speak its own language. I enjoy helping others excel and push through any fear they may have. Or any block that may be in the way. I have a heart to serve. When my vendors and clients are winning. I feel the joy as well .

What is “failure” and “success” for you?

Failure to me is not giving something my all. Success is doing my very best leaving no room for excuses.

We’d love to hear more about your work.

Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities. Our individualized plans are made up of quality services that will help you get there.

What excites you right now?

My biggest excitement today is seeing all of these entrepreneurs being birthed even in this pandemic.

Yeap, we are in a pandemic, BUT what’s the best thing that has happened to you this year?

The best thing that has happened to me this year was my business hosting its first sell out event and only been in business 4 months.

What ONE thing would you like for our readers to take away from this feature story, about you? 

Believe in your gift. The Bible states in Proverbs 18:16, “A person’s gift makes room for him, and leads him before important people.”

How can our readers connect with you?

Business Contact 334-316-9500

