Gumbo Therapy says, “Walk it like I talk it!”

Please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

We are the Gumbo Therapy Podcast composed of best friends, living in Alabama, who have different upbringings, Diamonel, married, raised in Louisiana and Tammy, newly divorced, raised in Ohio. We also differ in everything else including goals, relationships and opinions, but somehow making it work and laughing along the way! From our deployment on January 17, 2020, with 1 play on Apple Podcast and 1 follower, we have developed into a fast growing “brand” with over 1000 podcasts streamed almost 2500 followers on Instagram.

Gumbo Therapy, what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from others?

We want people to know that we have integrity, believing in honoring our words and helping others. We really believe in helping our community and being the catalyst for change. We strive to be positive while also working hard and empowering others. We want people to know that we can disagree and are willing to learn from our mistakes. We do best by talking less! Once our minds are made up, it’s ”go-mode”! We are not perfect, so we thrive on educating ourselves so the same mistake is not made again. 

What is “failure” and “success” for you?

Failure for us is realizing several years has passed and wishing and wanting exist with no action plan. At some point, you have to Do Something towards your goals. We know being working mom’s and a wives are tasks within itself, so failure is when we do not apply self-care for ourselves individually. We both can agree that failure is not an option. Success to us means making a difference. We believe in putting our words into action. In other words ”walk it like I talk it!” Not to mention, we want others to evolve as well. As we grow, we often extend a hand to others daily. When we receive messages or calls from people to tell us they can relate to our interview, or they appreciated us promoting their business, that is a success. Making at least one positive impact can cause a ripple effect to others. 

The Gumbo Therapy Podcast Hosts
Diamonel and Tammy

We’d love to hear more about your work.

As you know Gumbo Therapy is a podcast, but we also have a movement focused on the empowerment of women. We want women to know they can do anything. We plan to create programs that are needed in our community such as mentorship and tutoring. We also plan to create a fitness program which will focus on lifestyle changes to include not only changing eating habits, but workout plans. Starting monthly networking events, creation hubs, and community clean-ups. Lastly we also have started our clothing brand. We sell apparel and drink ware but an entire apparel line is in the development stages. 

What excites you right now?

What excites us right now is the unknown. We feel we are in a position to affect lives and change others. We have a platform where we can honestly be our own therapy, while helping others through their trials and tribulations. We are excited that we are able to interact with people all over the world, while also sharing information and ideas. 

Yeap, we are in a pandemic, BUT what’s the best thing that has happened to you this year?

One of the best things to happen to us is creating a podcast during this time. We had the unique opportunity to grow an audience that were normally not podcast listeners at home. We were able to engage more, create content and had the time to develop our craft when normally we wouldn’t have the time because of work and family obligations. Not to mention, being able to be more creative with entertaining our families during this pandemic. Who knew that movie nights at home with the family and creative activities were just as fun as going out in the public. 

What ONE thing would you like for our readers to take away from this feature story, about you? 

We would like your readers to know we are REAL and humble. We are not above making mistakes and learning from them. We love to meet people and empower others. We always say this podcast is “all of ours”. We want to learn from others and share their stories. While making positive impacts on our community. 

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