Koios Mapping Human Brain to Study Impact of CBD

Koios Mapping Human Brain to Study Impact of CBD

Koios is already conducting a clinical trial on the impact of its nootropic supplements on the human brain, and released preliminary results on Oct. 9, 2018. Koios beverages and supplements contain a proprietary formula of nootropic, brain-enhancing nutrients.

The trial involved mapping the activity of the brain before and after subjects consumed Koios nootropic supplements.

Full clinical brain scans on Koios users show changes in brain activity in three main areas, all of which indicate improved cognitive function.

“The findings, although preliminary, are better than we could have expected,” said Chris Miller, CEO of the Company. “Changes in the type of brain activity that we are seeing between the baseline that was mapped at the start of the study, and the effect on participants after several months of consuming our beverages, could have many positive implications.”

Vice President of Sales Gina Burrus says the results are helping the Company in the design of future products, and so Koios has decided to launch similar trials of nootropics with CBD.

“It’s long been known that CBD can have a dramatic impact on the human brain, all the way from helping people relax to treating people for epilepsy,” said Burrus. “However, we don’t yet know what impact CBD will have when combined with nootropics, and that’s what this study is designed to tell us.”

Both studies are being conducted by NeuraPerformance/Neuroptimize Brain Center, the go-to brain lab and physiotherapy clinic for Colorado’s elite athletes, including the Denver Broncos football team. The lab’s brain-mapping technique involves using sensors to measure the electrical activity within the client’s brain.

In the first study, the lab reported three initial findings of significance: a decrease in slow brain-wave activity, (delta and theta) which for many people “can lead to quicker thought processes, better energy, sharper focus and an overall sense of mind clarity,” says Rachel Ragsdale, founder and CEO of Neuroptimize.

The second key finding was an increase in alpha activity, linked with overall intelligence. The third finding was an increase in fast activity (beta and high beta). “This brain wave is needed to feel alert, focused, and motivated,” said Ragsdale, an accredited Board Certified Neurofeedback Therapist. “Seeing an increase in this brain wave could have many implications relating to the overall drive and energy of a person that might lack beta and is a very positive finding.”

NeuraPerformance/Neuroptimize is expected to release a full report within the next month, after which it will begin further testing of nootropics and CBDs.

“We are a results-driven company,” said Miller. “It’s our hope that through these tests, we will learn more about how to continually improve the mental and physical well-being of our customers.”