Hosea Helps kicked-off the 48th Dinner Season

Hosea Helps kicked-off the 48th Dinner Season

Hosea Helps held it’s annual Turkey Drop Off and press conference at the Atlanta City Detention Center. This event was the kick-off for the 48th Dinner Season, which includes Thanksgiving, Christmas and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

The Welcome and Opening Prayer was ushered in by Mr. Afemo Omilami, Hosea Helps’ Chief Operating Officer, to a diverse gathering of attendees. Deputy Chief Vance Williams brought greetings on behalf of Chief Patrick Labat and shared that the Atlanta City Detention Center is happy to provide their state-of-the-art kitchen for use of preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner.

Mrs. Elisabeth Omilami, Chief Executive Officer, was then introduced and gave the Vision for the Season. She shared that this is the largest sit-down dinner in the Southeast and that Hosea Helps also aims in providing services to help “nurture” those in need BEYOND Thanksgiving Day! She announced how the first-class meal will be prepared by dedicated volunteer chefs as well as the offerings of free services including beauticians and barbers, donated shoes and clothing, a hair wash trailer, a hot Thanksgiving meal, a free medical clinic, benefit planning prayer, counseling, and free flu shots. Past celebrity guests and entertainers have included Dikembe Mutombe, Arthur Blanks, Porsha Williams, George Wallace, Tyler Perry, and various Atlanta Falcons and Hawks players. Hosea Helps’ Thanksgiving dinners are not just for the homeless but is a community event for those in need.

Short speeches were given from sponsors including Felix Turner from Kroger, who also presented a check, Brenda Reid from Publix, Brian Veal from Hurt 911, Chris Abree from United Counseling and Chris Turner from Sysco about the support of Hosea Helps. More information was provided on how to give including texting 4hosea at 20222, visiting the company website and through Cash App.

The event ended by presenting a needs list which included a Hazmat Shower Trailer valued at $6,300 and buses valued at $1,200.