Please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
Like they said life always hands us the unexpected, and just like most people, I wasn’t prepared for the uncertainty that was dashed my way. You know that kind of faith you have when you go through certain challenges in life, and find your way pass them, not necessarily knowing how, but you did overcome them. That faith that tells you that this is the last challenge, that now you are about to experience some great rewards of life, and all of a sudden another challenge hits you greater than the former. And you easily and quickly dive back to the state of emotions manufactured by the previous challenge. I HAVE BEEN THERE!
When I married my wife in July 2017, everything was rosy and promising like every new marriage. Life was good, she was already pregnant with our boy. On Nov. 28th that same 2017, our beautiful baby boy arrived, the excitement, and joy was overwhelming. But like I said earlier; when you believe that things are great again, that is when life tests you more. Three months after our baby was born, my wife started having these symptoms of muscle weaknesses, her hands grew weaker and she couldn’t even carry her son for a certain period of time without the fear of losing her grip. We had to go see a doctor (Neurologist) and after a series of tests was conducted, it became clear that my wife has ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The alarming thing is; the doctor said that the symptoms of this disease have been existing in her for about three years now, this observation was based on the record the doctor had from her previous doctor from three years ago.
So as a result of this, the doctor said; she doesn’t have that much time to live, that day seems like a gloomy apocalypse for my family. A few months old baby, and a dying wife, what in the world am I going to do? This is bigger than us, but we are people of faith so we tend to God in prayers. We decided to focus on a positive outcome, families and friends send in their love and prayers. I had to quit my job so I can take care of my wife both emotionally, and physically, and also take care of our few months old baby. I became a stay home dad, things were really tough, trust me. I only had night time to do my personal stuff, so I barely got enough sleep. Each new day is just like the previous, or even worse. Much harder to manage in this situation was her mental and emotional state, than the physical. But In order for me to be able to help her, I needed to be better myself. I was always worn out both mentally and physically, then I began to seek help, I read any book that I could find on psychology, emotional intelligence, mind development, personal development and Habits. I bought courses, and attended webinars, I enrolled in many groups of achievers , I listened to, read biographies, and watched videos of many great men who have crushed life obstacles, and came out on the other side victoriously.
By the grace of God I was able to help her in the ways that I can especially mentally, and emotionally. She is still alive today, she still walks with her legs, and still does some activities by herself. But something life changing happened one night, but prior to that fateful night, I used to drive Uber in order to help with the bills. But there’s this compelling urge to help more people that always comes to me very strongly, I don’t mean people who are necessarily physically sick, but people who are under-living their lives, because they don’t know how to tap into the unlimited power of the mind. People whose potentials are locked down, simply because they are slaves to limiting beliefs, patterns and habits. But I kept pushing these thoughts away, until that fateful night I was involved in a car accident, my car was totaled. But thank God I survived, then this strong question came to me; “If this was to be your last day here on earth, will you be satisfied and fulfilled with the life you lived and the contributions you made?” That was my breakthrough night! There and then I made that decision to use every knowledge, skills, wisdom, experiences, strategies, and every other thing I have learned over the years to help as many people as I can.
That was how I started putting some structures in place in order to carry out this mission, because to me, this is purely a mission, which I am willing to live and die for.. Today am honored and privileged to be the founder of MERKURIUSMIND, the director of the brand MERKURIUS, LLC, the host of THE SMART ART SHOW PODCAST (a podcast on personal development), the author of the great book(FUNDAMENTALS TO A FULFILLED LIFE), and a mind development coach. I have been blessed by God to have impacted thousands of lives across the world through various platforms. My mantra or you can call it “my motto” is; LOVE, SERVE AND INSPIRE. I try to live these three words every single day.

Chidi Gabriel, what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from others?
First; I will say my uniqueness, uniqueness are tailor made for each person, just like fingerprints. When we tap into our uniqueness and exhibit with excellence, we make a difference. I am very obsessed and passionate about mental development, richness, and prowess, so whenever I see people going through motions, surviving instead of living, settling for life of existence instead of substance. This fuels my passion to want to help in my own unique ways, and I think what I do best is helping people discover the power and the richness within. I think what sets me apart is passion for God and humanity, and the trueness to serve others.
What is “failure” and “success” for you?
One thing I always say to people is; One can not truly define success until they are aware of themselves. Success starts with self awareness. For me success in a simple word is; Taking control of those things that used to be in control over you. This is why success is a journey, and not a destination, because you can’t gain control overnight. Meanwhile failure for me is acceptance of conformity, thereby not trying new things.
We’d love to hear more about your work.
Like I said earlier on, my work is my mission. I breath it, I live it, and I will die fulfilling it. I have been privileged to work with many clients from different walks of life. Entrepreneurs, full time employees, business owners, etc.. I have worked with organizations like; Creative works, Youth Aflame, and many more… I am a result oriented person, and at the same time a process-focused person too. I make the experience memorable, and enjoyable for my clients, while at the same time help them achieve the desired results. Apart from my weekly podcast; (THE SMART ART SHOW), I run a weekly blog; where I teach exclusively about the mind, you can check it out. I will be launching the MERKURIUS branded T SHIRT (double-sided and ordinary quality t-shirt) by March 2021, you can check out our website for more info; . I believe strongly that our minds possess unimaginable powers, therefore developing our minds will create clarity for our visions and dreams, and also equip us with direction on how to achieve it. We all can do what we do by the grace of God.
What excites you right now?
Although I am always excited, what pumps me up is seeing and experiencing a transformation in anyone’s life who I am privileged to work with.
Again reading a new book, or working on a new challenging project excites me because that means I am going to learn something new. Meeting new people also excites me, because it gives me room for growth, and to develop perspective.
What ONE thing would you like for our readers to take away from this feature story, about you?
That I am able to help a lot of people, was as a result of me seeking help from others in order to grow and develop myself. No man is an island, sometimes it takes another to help us see what we don’t see in ourselves. We all have great potential in us, but many times it takes another to help us unlock it. Seeking help and asking questions is one of life’s necessities.
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