Tag: demetris curry

Resources to Reduce Stress on National Stress Awareness Day

Resources to Reduce Stress on National Stress Awareness Day

Stress affects people of all ages, ethnicities, and social classes. In fact, 75% of Americans experienced moderate to high stress levels in the past month according to the Global Organization for stress. Stress also affects the economy. According to Business Insider, American employers spend an estimated $300 billion annually on health costs and lost work...

Wealth Strategist Demetris Curry Relaunches Empowerment Journal

Wealth Strategist Demetris Curry Relaunches Empowerment Journal

Demetris “Dee” Curry, published author, speaker, Insurance Wellness Strategist, and Commercial Real Estate Broker, recently relaunched a new and improved version of her “Brighter Days Ahead” self-empowerment book and journal.  As a wealth strategist and coach, Demetris emphasizes one of the keys to building and maintaining wealth is to become whole mentally and physically by...

5 Ways To Preventing Financial Child Abuse

5 Ways To Preventing Financial Child Abuse

A child doesn’t have to be bruised to experience abuse. There are many other ways a child can be harmed. One being Financial Child Abuse. April is Child Abuse Prevention and Financial Literacy Month.   Many parents don’t abuse a child’s financial life to be malicious, but rather because they really are not aware that...