Tag: coronavirus

Is Time Meaningless Now?

Is Time Meaningless Now?

Is it Tuesday, or Saturday? Who cares. by Shayla Love In 1962, a French geologist, Michel Siffre, descended into a cave more than 400 feet below ground and stayed there for two months. He left his watch, and any other indicators of time, at the surface to experience what life was like “beyond time.” He...

How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With social distancing and self-isolation increasingly becoming the norm (and, in many cases, a government mandate) during the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of Americans are actively avoiding the crowds at Costco and the grocery store in favor of shopping online. (And, of course, most of the products we recommend here at Wirecutter are purchased online...

How To Aid A Small Business Through A Pandemic

How To Aid A Small Business Through A Pandemic

We are thankful that President Trump and his Administration are working to provide disaster loans and further support to small business owners affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Friends of…, Supporters of…, and/or Family of Small Business owners can also help. Here are a few ways how: Buy A Gift Card For Later Order Take Out...

The government wants to start sending millions of Americans a check. Here’s how to use it wisely

The government wants to start sending millions of Americans a check. Here’s how to use it wisely

Some good news – in the form of money – may be coming to Americans soon. On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that the Trump administration plans to move “immediately” to send money to Americans as the coronavirus cripples the economy. “Americans need cash now,” Mnuchin said, indicating checks could come in the next...

A coronavirus cautionary tale from Italy: Don’t do what we did

A coronavirus cautionary tale from Italy: Don’t do what we did

Many of us were too selfish to follow suggestions to change our behavior. Now we’re in lockdown and people are needlessly dying. An Italian journalist is warning Britons to ‘stay home’ amid the coronavirus pandemic as one of the country’s top doctors warns Covid-19 is ‘apocalyptic’. The stark pleas to ban mass gatherings, avoid contact...

Please Do Not Make a DIY Surgical Mask During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Please Do Not Make a DIY Surgical Mask During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Paul Kita Men’s Health March 4, 2020 The surgical mask has come to symbolize the fears surrounding COVID-19. You probably saw pictures of people wearing the masks everywhere after reports of the rapid spread of the coronavirus emerged from China in January. Then you heard of medical mask shortages—at pharmacies and via online retailers. Now, likely...