Meet Jamaican serial entrepreneur, Nekesha Burrell

Bold, optimistic, driven, and armed with passion. Meet a Jamaican who decided to quit corporate to pursuing multiple ventures online. This author, podcaster, business consultant now has her mind, set on building an online empire and paying it forward.

Introduce yourself to our audience. Please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

I am Nekesha Burrell, child of God, driven by faith, and a proud Jamaican woman. (laughs) That first describes who I am. 

I studied Business Technology in England and am effective at identifying tech-related strategies for brick and mortar businesses to remain competitive. I have always been creative, writing poetry, stories and I am an avid reader. But that side of me had been suppressed for years, being busy with a career that took a slightly different path. Prior to 2020, I managed in the Tourism Industry for over 18 years at what I called a safe zone. When the sector closed down, I decided to search for opportunities online to remain productive.  

I started this new journey, through a network of other Online Freelancers with Internet Income Jamaica and became one of the top sellers within weeks. This pushed me to transition from corporate to online as I found that there was a great need for my niche services in the Virtual Marketplace.  I am connected with individuals who are great mentors and fosters growth. The virtual marketplace is very often overlooked only because it is thought by many to be a social environment with a very short attention span. But there has been a paradigm shift where It is now more business than social and there is no sign of that changing anytime soon.

Fast forward one year, I am now the author of Absolute belief system, I am Greatness, to name a few, founder of Freelancers Oasis, a Business Consultant, editor, and now a new online course creator of Freelancers Master Course. My journey down this path however was only prompted by the effects of the pandemic. 

I now work from home for overseas companies as a Business Consultant, and Social Media Specialist ensuring they have an active presence on all social media platforms, quality control, applying effective branding strategies, and staff recruiting while creating income for other freelancers. 

What excites you right now?

The future excites me, what is yet to come. I went through a process of introspection, rebuilt my faith, and tapped into a creative self I thought was long lost with no limitations.

All I can think of is Paying it Forward. I pre-launched my online master course on Mother’s Day and hosted it live as a giveaway to mothers to have free access to the course to help them launch their own online business as VA’s. We have great success stories and just want to keep it going, paying it forward and changing lives. I am in the process of planning an official launch to give away more free access to those truly in need of a fresh start online.

I am just excited about all the ventures I am now involved in. I am having fun publishing children’s books with my three-year-old, recording a podcast, empowering, inspiring, and just evolving.

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We’d love to hear more about your work.


I am actively working as an Online Business Consultant and Social Media Specialist. Most brick-and-mortar businesses were launched during the pandemic. They need support to run effectively and nine out of ten times need back-office support, social media, and quality control. I just tapped into a niche market that I am good at. 


The online course I created is tailor-made to be completed at the individual’s own pace. It is specially structured for our ‘Rock Star’ stay-at-home moms, college graduates, or corporate workers looking to transition online in the shortest time frame as I did. You receive do-it-for-you templates and guides, just simple. I want to challenge each person’s mindset to be Serial Entrepreneurs, seeking multiple income streams to be financially stable and live the life they so desire.


I am aligning myself to complete a new children’s book that focuses on entrepreneurship and financial awareness. I do not believe our children should be limited to the popular narrative “Who do they want to be when they grow up,” but rather “What do they want to do as they grow up.”

I am close to publishing a new children’s series geared to build each child’s self-confidence, stimulate their creative minds while teaching them social awareness, safety, friendship, and independence. 

What is “failure” and “success” for you?

Failure for me is dreaming of something and not acting on it to see it to fruition. It is being unhappy and not taking steps to change it. I am not one who is comfortable making the graveyard rich with my dreams never met and promises never kept to myself.

Success for me is deep. It consists of completing and succeeding at everything I set out to accomplish that makes me truly happy while remaining true to my faith and paying it forward to keep the cycle going. 

What ONE thing would you like for our readers to take away from this feature story, about you? 


If ever there was a time to test that theory, it is now. 

Firstly, I encourage every reader to pray, believe in themselves. Align yourself with like-minded individuals who are either on the same path as you or who have already gotten there. Listen, Learn, Act and Execute.

I am a serial entrepreneur. But that does not make me special, it only shows that I made the decision to evolve with time. There are many talented individuals sitting at home on the verge of giving up because they think there is no option. 

I love to say “Start simple, think of that one thing that everyone is always calling you about or asking you to help with. If you think about it, those very simple overlooked skills could very well be your true purpose. People tend to see the greatness within you even before you realize it is your calling. You just have to be inventive and create a business from that overlooked talent.” 

Every successful business starts from two things, Identifying a Problem a consumer has and Creating a solution to that problem. Anyone can be successful, the ones to succeed are those who are ready to be accountable to themselves, true to their word, and open to learn and evolve.


If I can do it, so can you. Don’t ever give up, gear up!

 How can our readers connect with you?

I can be reached at the following links. Follow me for upcoming giveaways, launches, and new projects at-


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 “You cannot teach people just anything, But you can help them discover the GREATNESS within themselves.”