inCity Magazine’s Publisher, Christopher D. Thomas had the opportunity to chat with the Liberia Economic Development Initiative (LEDI), Co-Founder, Joan Curran Darkortey about the 2022 International Life Changers Awards & Liberia Bicentennial Celebration.
Join Liberia Economic Development Initiative (LEDI) on October 29, 2022, at 5 PM EST, at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center in Atlanta for the most amazing and empowering cultural experience of the year! This awards gala with the goal to “Give the Gift of Literacy: The Perfect 200th Birthday Gift to Liberia” will celebrate the distinguished 2022 LEDI International Life Changer Honorees, while commemorating the bicentennial “200th Birthday” of Liberia. A celebration like no other, the event will include a networking reception, live entertainment, African cultural performances, 5-star dining, dignitary and celebrity appearances, and much more!
LEDI will recognize the achievements of distinguished individuals who have made countless contributions to humanity and support LEDI’s mission to “reduce poverty and change lives”. Be a part of the celebration of the 2022 LEDI International Life Changer Award Honorees:
- Rev. Dr. Jamal H. Bryant – New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
- Mrs. Xernona Clayton – The Trumpet Awards Foundation, Inc.
- Mr. Thomas Dortch, Jr. – 100 Black Men of America, Inc.
- Mrs. Dana Lupton – Moving In The Spirit
and a host of notable leaders, celebrities and influencers who will also be recognized for pursuing excellence, high professional standards, and outstanding achievements and bestowed African names and the title of honorary Liberian Bicentennial Ambassadors.
You can support this event as a sponsor or by purchasing tickets that will benefit the construction of the first modern public library and technology in Liberia. What greater legacy can you have than to give the nation of Liberia its first public library? What better, more lasting gift can you offer children who have no public libraries than the gift of literacy? To learn more about this event, become an event sponsor and/or purchase tickets by October 10th, visit the event site at or to learn more about Liberia Economic Development Initiative (LEDI).
About LEDI
The mission of Liberia Economic Development Initiative (LEDI) is to reduce poverty by increasing the economic capacity of severely marginalized and economically disadvantaged people of the world, with a focus on Liberia, West Africa. Since 2007, LEDI has provided life-changing hope through six key program areas: education, healthcare, business development, infrastructure, youth, and sister city initiatives.
LEDI’s goal is to give the gift of literacy to Liberia during this bicentennial year by completing the ongoing construction of the LEDI Modern State of the Arts Public Library and Technology Center in Liberia, an estimated $3.5 million USD project. This library will be the first of its kind to be constructed in the 200-year history of Liberia since its founding by the United States and African Americans in 1822. Donations are welcomed and tax-deductible to the full extent of US law.
About Liberia
Liberia, which stands for “liberty” and “freedom,” was established in 1822 by the United States to repatriate freed African Americans to Africa. Over 12,000 African Americans were resettled in Liberia in the 1800s from states including New York, Virginia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, and Georgia, which resettled more than 3,000 freed African Americans to Liberia. Throughout 2022, Liberia is celebrating its Bicentennial both at home and abroad to commemorate the birth of the nation and recognize historic ties between the United States and Liberia and the African American community. Liberia has seen its share of challenges, but remains resilient. Join LEDI as we give Liberia the Gift of Literary this historic bicentennial year!