Founder of black-owned firm celebrates $10 million in growth financing to scale cybersecurity training across America

Ida Byrd-Hill, founder and CEO of Detroit-based Automation Workz, has landed $10 million in growth financing to drive the expansion of her company’s cybersecurity certification training across America. She comments, “I believe Blacks, with the right technical expertise, can face off against hackers and win as both are contrarian thinkers.”

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Affectionately known as “the Professor Xavier of Cybersecurity,” Ms. Ida grooms Black tech geniuses to fine-tune their cybersecurity superpower in the same way that the X-Men character fictionally taught mutant telepathic superheroes to control their powers from destroying the world.

The Black community is the missing cybersecurity link as “we have had to think like hackers the past 400 years to survive discrimination in America.” Ms. Ida plans to assist 50,000 students across America to secure 6-figure incomes in cybersecurity, network engineering, and computer programming. Currently, 30% of her students have achieved 6-figures incomes with the highest offer received at $117,000 by a student in Atlanta and $105,000 by a student in Detroit.

Automation Workz believes there are many undiscovered tech geniuses in Black America who are not earning what they are worth. The company utilizes a culture audit, a video game audition, video gaming, digital simulations, and video lectures to train adult learners to enter tech careers without a Bachelor’s degree.

In 2021, Automation Workz was ranked as one of the nation’s top Cybersecurity Bootcamps by Career Karma. Most recently, Automation Workz was named one of the Best Cyber Security Bootcamps of 2021 by, a trusted resource for online degree rankings and higher education planning.

Many Black Americans work for large companies with tuition reimbursement programs but have not been able to utilize these programs as they do not have upfront funding to be reimbursed. With new $10 million growth financing, Automation Workz can assist many get a nearly FREE education.

If you desire to earn a 6-figure income in tech, let Ms. Ida, the Black Professor Xavier of Cybersecurity guide you to become a superhero to your family. Complete admissions application.