Your Words Are Killing Me, Your Words Are Destroying You:

Words are not just arbitrary symbols used for communication; they have a vibrational quality that resonates with our consciousness. This idea is not new and has been explored in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions throughout history. In these traditions, it is believed that every word carries a specific frequency or energy that can impact our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

“inCity Magazine celebrates the kaleidoscope of perspectives in each article. The views expressed herein are the unique brushstrokes of our guest writers, painting the canvas of their thoughts. These ideas, like stars in a constellation, shine independently and do not necessarily align with the orbit of inCity Magazine or its advertisers. This is to explores…

When we speak or think a word, we are essentially sending out a vibration into the universe. This vibration interacts with the energetic field around us, influencing our own state of being as well as the environment we are in.

One of the most remarkable aspects of words is their ability to shape our thoughts and perceptions. The words we use not only communicate our ideas to others but also influence how we think about the world and ourselves. Different languages offer unique perspectives on reality, with words that capture nuances and emotions that may be challenging to express in other languages. For example, the concept of “hygge” in Danish encapsulates a feeling of coziness and contentment that is difficult to translate directly into English.

Words are the building blocks of communication, the tools we use to convey our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others. Language is a powerful and versatile tool that allows us to express ourselves, connect with others, and navigate the world around us. The richness and diversity of languages reflect the complexity of human experience and the depth of human expression.

When we are not aware of our perception and perspectives, and we don’t understand the correlation of our personal trauma that we have lived, our words are distorted in delivery and are born in chaos of our lives experiences.

Positive words like “love,” “joy,” and “peace” carry high frequencies that can uplift our spirits and attract positive experiences into our lives. On the other hand, negative words like “hate,” “fear,” and “anger” emit lower frequencies that can bring about discord and chaos.

Our thoughts and words are powerful creators of our reality. The frequencies generated by our words can shape the world we live in and manifest our desires or fears. By consciously choosing the words we use and infusing them with positive intentions, we can align ourselves with higher vibrations and attract more abundance, happiness, and harmony into our lives.

Our expression in the words we use, whether it is in expression, a pitch or even a suggestion will be delivered in low frequency which in turn will push a positive response away.

Words hold a unique power that extends beyond their literal meanings. They possess a vibrational quality that can influence our thoughts, emotions, and even the world around us. Words are more than just a means of communication; they are the foundation of human connection, creativity, and expression. Language shapes our thoughts, connects us with others, and allows us to explore the depths of human experience. As we navigate the complexities of the world, let us remember the power of words to inspire, unite, and transform our lives.

Words indeed have their frequency and power, shaping our interactions and enriching our experiences as we navigate the diverse tapestry of human communication.

Painted by Dr. Paul W Dyer

The concept of manifestation through words is often associated with practices like affirmations, prayers, and mantras. By repeating positive affirmations or prayers regularly, we can reprogram our subconscious mind and align our energy with our goals and desires. Words can also be used as tools for healing and transformation. The vibrations of certain words or sounds have been found to have a calming or energizing effect on the body and mind. Practices like sound therapy, chanting, and toning utilize the vibrational qualities of words to restore balance and harmony to the individual.

Words are not just empty vessels of meaning; they are carriers of vibration that can influence our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By understanding the vibrational power of words and consciously choosing the language we use, we can create frequencies that shape our reality in a positive and empowering way. Let us remember the ancient wisdom that reminds us to speak words of love, kindness, and compassion, for they have the power to transform our lives and the world around us.

The use of words as you now see has a importance of emotions and when our emotions are not understood or addressed we end up failing at what we seek to achieve. This is why businesses fail, relationships fail, and we fail ourselves with the lack of understanding of who we are not who we want to be.

Until we shape and understand our fears and seek to understand what we are not, we will continue our dissociative behaviors and continue to blame and be angry about the circumstances you are in. 

You are not safe. You don’t have the support system you think you have; you are alone. All of this is true until you start your training and communicating.

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer

Emotional Scientist:

Combat Scientist: