You Know This Person

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We probably all know someone or maybe we are that someone who’s had the experience of “hitting bottom.” They’d reached a crisis point in their life that shook them to their core and they crumbled. The world as they knew it had fallen apart.

My name is Dr. Paul W Dyer I am a American African male who sufferers from PTSD and I know how hitting a bottom means and the feeling of feeling alone and lost. I am a vet who is now struggling on all levels of life, health, financial, housing, but not peace of mind. Do I feel the weight on my shoulders ? The answer is yes. The thing that keeps me above ground is my peace of mind, my passion for life, and above all training and love i have for this worldly community.

These things takes a dedicated training and education, just like the arts to live and not survive all dangers from the mind to the physical environments.That is why I have engineered the training program to heal, develop and most of above all awaken the prefrontal cortex of the brain, and to rewire the limbic system. Emotional Science reminds you that some things are within our control, while others are not. By focusing on what we can change and accepting what we cannot we gain peace of mind.

The fact is, humans have not yet worked out how to have a healthy relationship with each other or the planet, and the feedback is getting too strong to ignore. Almost every institution we depend on is being strained to the breaking point.

It breaks the American Africans the worse. – Our political system, long corrupted by well-financed special interests, now appears vulnerable to an authoritarian take over. – Our economic system, sustained only by pillaging the world’s resources, is pushing the planet to the tipping point. Temperatures are rising as if trying to kill off an invasive bacteria; food supplies are threatened; forests and fresh water are disappearing; deserts are expanding; species are going extinct on a massive scale. – And most perversely of all, the trillions of dollars earned is restricted from American Africans disproportionately and yet the assault on people and planet: An out-of-control global war machine that threatens to destroy the species that created it. Taking in the fullness of our predicament is of course overwhelming, but that is what it means to hit bottom. You’re in a deep fall, with no nets to catch you before you confront the reality you’ve most wanted to avoid. It’s the totality of the confrontation that gives the experience its trans formative power.

This where Black Enterprise Resource Center has taken the lead in changing the course towards the next slavery, which is economics. The Black Enterprise Resource Center (B. E.R.C) is breaking down the systemic is issues that has affected generations of American African people. To name a few is mental health , loans from a creditable lender that is invested in your future, and true collaboration with companies, families, people. So many have tried and been denied even worse they have died trying. You are not alone. It takes work , but more importantly it takes community, love and training.

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer