You’ve got about a year to stock up.
New York state’s plastic bag ban won’t be taking effect until March 1, 2020.
A deal on the ban came together Thursday afternoon, but the details dribbled out later.
Baggies for “bulk items” such as produce will still be allowed.
So will trash bags, newspaper bags, food storage bags, garment bags and plastic carry-outs at restaurants and pharmacies, for prescription drugs.
Consumers will be charged 5 cents for paper bags if the county or city where they live opts in.
Residents on welfare or receiving WIC or SNAP
benefits would be exempt.
Environmental advocates aren’t thrilled with the “opt-in” portion allowing cities and counties to decide whether they want to impose the paper bag fee.
Jeremy Cherson of the environmental advocacy group Riverkeeper said it would rather see a “consistent statewide fee” on paper.
“We encourage local government to opt in to the critical fee on paper to help ensure communities have policies on the books that will encourage consumers to use reusable shopping bags,” he said.
In an appearance Friday on WNYC radio, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he would support the 5-cent paper bag fee for the city.
“I think people will adapt quickly,” he said.
Published by NYPost