J. Holiday Kicks Off Season 7 of DayDreams

J. Holiday Kicks Off Season 7 of DayDreams

We at inCity Magazine are excited about Season 7 of DayDreams.

DayDreams is an Entertainment Series that takes place during the Spring, Summer and Fall. In preceding years Lance Gross, Rasheeda, Sunshine Anderson, NFL Players, Q Parker and others have hosted or came to DayDreams.

“We have been doing DayDreams for 7 years now. Initially, the reason we started DayDreams was because of the lack of well thought out and planned entertainment for a urban professionals in the Montgomery area. Second reason we did it was because MOST people said that Montgomery was not ready for it…of course everyone who knows me, know not to say something is impossible OR can’t be done … LOL!”, says inCity Magazine Publisher, Christopher Thomas.

Christopher adds, “…we have had a LOT of support from the City of Montgomery, businesses as sponsors/vendors and of course the citizens of the Montgomery area. Thank YOU! THANK YOU…Thank You!”

DayDreams Season 7 Premieres on Feb 26th at AlleyBAR in Montgomery AL and performing LIVE is J. Holiday, a Grammy-nominated American singer, songwriter, rapper and actor. Some of his hits include: Bed, Suffocate and Be With Me.

Electronic Tickets are available here at FRESHTIX (Click on the link and it will take you to ticket check out)

Limited Reserved Tables, Sponsorship and Vending is available by Calling or Texting 678-827-1602