Feature Story: The Tax Express

Feature Story: The Tax Express

Introduce Yourself for our readers: My name is Thomas Porterfield and I am the owner of The Tax Express.

What does your company provide and what are your specialties: The Tax Express provides tax preparation and planning services for individuals and small businesses.  We specialize in finding credits and deductions for our clients to maximum their tax refunds and/or limit their tax liabilities.  Our clients can receive their refunds in a variety of ways including cashiers checks, direct deposit, etc.
How did you come up with your business name: A great question.  When we first started in 2004, our name was MIN/MAX Tax Services. The name was intended to mean minimum costs and maximum refunds.  We found that the name didn’t catch on that well so we decided to make a change.  So in December of 2008, my daughter and I were watching one of our favorite Christmas movies titled “The Polar Express”, and it hit me. Soon after “The Tax Express” was born!
What makes your business different from others tax filing companies: Another great question! The tax preparation field is extremely competitive.  Not only can find your local tax preparer on just about every street corner, but with national brands like H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt; and online services like Turbotax, it’s more important than ever to provide high quality, friendly, and professional services. I like to think that our clients feel they can trust us to do a great job.  Another way that I believe we differ from most tax preparers is that we offer online appointment scheduling.  Our clients can view our online appointment calendar and choose a time that is convenient for them and minimize waiting.  We value our clients’ time
What made you take the leap into starting your business: Initially, I did not set out to start a tax preparation business. I first starting preparing taxes electronically as a hobby in 1998.  Soon after, I started preparing family members returns and then later friends and coworkers.  It wasn’t until 2003 that I decided to venture out on my own. Our client base has grown at steady pace and we hope to continue it going forward.
How can our readers find you: As far as a physical location, we can be found at 4144 Carmichael Road, Suite 20, Montgomery, AL.  We also have an online presence at www.thetaxexpressmtg.com as well as social media with Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin and Twitter.
Anything else you would like for our readers to know: We are excited to announce that we now have an app that can be found at the Apple Store and Google Play.  You can do things like follow all of our social media platforms, stay up to date with our latest announcements, etc.  We also have an exciting “Spin to Win” game where you can win discounts, a customized Yeti, or even IPhone 7.