Atlanta, GA – D’wayna Irvin, affectionately known as “D. Irvin”, is a woman who certainly lives up to her moniker. A product of New Orleans’ 9th Ward, the polarizing entrepreneur, influencer and author has experienced it all – from crime, fast money and near-death experiences, to betrayal and heartbreak – all in the name of love and loyalty.
However, that way of life nearly destroyed hers, until she made a change for the better.

Now, she shares her rollercoaster story of tragedy to triumph in her raw and uncut new book, When AD.A.B. Spills the Tea. What is a D.A.B, you ask? It is an acronym for the kind of woman often celebrated in rap songs. A woman who, against her better judgment, stays loyal and handles the dirty work for her significant other who usually ends up behind bars.
It is the woman who sticks by a man’s side through good, bad and worse, jeopardizing her own future in the process.Yet, unlike in the movies, that loyalty typically doesn’t pan out the way many women imagine.“Love is a dangerous game, especially when living the street life,” said D. Irvin.

“One of the biggest lessons I learned is to always put yourself first, because that is what others will do. You may be second to them, but you will never be first.”D. Irvin Came to this realization after finding herself entrenched in a long romantic relationship with a drug dealer. Like many young women in urban environments, she was mesmerized by the nice cars, clothes and money the lifestyle afforded.
Also, this particular man was charming and manipulative. She risked her life for him, delivered packages for him, stayed loyal as he served time for nearly a decade – only for him to betray her.
It was the darkest moment of her life.Suffering from anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts, D. Irvin had to rebound. She sought therapy to address her mental health, discovered her self-worth, and ultimately used the hustle she learned from the streets to chart her own course as a successful entrepreneur.

Now, her goal is to show other women from similar situations how to do the same.When A D.A.B. Spills the Tea is about revealing the truth about life and love for a woman in the street life. Rarely are there happy endings with money, marriage and a family. Therefore, the book emboldens women to claim their power, set the standards for their own lives and to become real bosses by understanding how to make things happen for themselves.
D. Irvin is bold and transparent in the book, revealing things most people might be ashamed of, however, she is a firm believer that one must come to grips with their past in order to move forward. Either way, readers will be shocked, entertained and educated by the hard truths and wisdom on each page.
“A ‘D.A.B’ is a female that is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to gain whatever it is she feels is attainable to her. It is more than for a man or in a relationship. It could be for your business,” D. Irvin said.
“I want women to learn how to boss up on their own and take control of their lives. If they can learn from my story, I am happy and I have reached my goal.”To keep up with news and updates on everything D. Irvin, follow her on Instagram at @therealsupad.
Her book, When A Real DAB Spills the Tea is available now and can be purchased on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G7ZVW6N/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1.