Calvin Williams for Circuit Judge

Calvin Williams for Circuit Judge


Williams was elected on November 2nd of 2010 defeating Judge Will O’Rear who Gov. Bob Riley appointed to the domestic court in May 2008 to succeed retiring Judge John Capell. Although it was his first run for public office, Williams, a Democrat, easily defeated O’Rear, the Republican incumbent, by a margin of more than 7,000 votes, 55 percent to 45 percent.

Williams, came from a very humble beginning in west Montgomery on into the military, law enforcement, law school, private law practice, service as a city prosecutor and a deputy district attorney.

Williams passion for family, helping victims of domestic violence along with helping those who can’t help themselves is what moves him.

Just about a week ago, we had a staff discussion of how it must be to be a judge. To wake up every morning (having a good one or not so good one), personal/family or financial challenges, stress of life and to be a fair and just judge for EACH and EVERY case. Not sure how many people can do that.

Judge Williams has a proven record as Circuit Judge. We already know what he is capable of…why change that to something not known?

We fully support Judge Calvin Williams for another term of Circuit Judge in Montgomery County.

(picture by Montgomery Independent)