Association of Black Cardiologists Annual Spirit of the Heart Tour

The Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc. (ABC) is excited to have Atlanta as part of its annual Spirit of the Heart (SOH) tour for the fourth consecutive year. ABC member and local hosts David Montgomery, MD, Ph.D. and Jayne Morgan, MD in  collaboration with New Life Community Ministries and VSNS Inc., along with other ABC members, will kick off the Atlanta event on Saturday, November 16, with a Community Health Fair from 8 a.m. until 1 pm at the New Life Community Ministries, 3592 Flat Shoals Rd., Decatur Ga 30034.

Cardiovascular disease continues to grossly impact communities of color. Access to early diagnosis and treatment modalities are key to prevention. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released information that indicates that most causes of cardiovascular disease are preventable.   

Atlanta opens with the community-wide health fair. Free heart health and other screenings will be provided by ABC, and other community-based organizations will provide other health-related information. Activities for seniors and children as well as door prizes will also be available. The weekend culminates with heart health faith messages in local faith sites during regular worship times. Local cardiologists and other health professionals will provide the messages. 

The next week an invitation-only SOH Community Leaders Forum will take place on Friday, November 22. 

About Spirit of the Heart (SOH)The Spirit of the Heart, a more than 10-year signature community-based program of the ABC is designed to help Community leaders, consumers, and others understand the disparities of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and knowledge that heart disease is preventable with adequate access to care and heart-healthy practices that are essential for optimal living.  The SOH tours Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, New York City, NY, Orange County, CA, and San Francisco, CA, in 2019.

About the ABCThe mission of the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc. (ABC), is to champion the elimination of CV disparities through education, research, and advocacy. ABC is dedicated to eliminating the disparities related to CVD in all people of color. The ABC is a Washington, D.C. based international membership non-profit organization of nearly 45 years. Its members including more than 1,800 healthcare providers of all disciplines, corporations, health advocates, laypersons, and others committed in advancing its mission.