Nationwide ( — X’ernona Woods, the creator and founder of the innovative company Kid Millionaire Inc., received her first money lesson and character development experience early on in life. She recalls being in elementary school and being asked by a relative to exchange her paper bills for what seemed like a large amount of silver and copper coins that jingled in her hands and glistened like gold nuggets. The bitter-sweet lesson led her to found Kid Millionaire Inc., an online course that teaches thousands of youth how to jump-start their savings accounts and transform their young minds to adopt a prosperity-conscious mindset.
As a prolific author, playwright, life coach, and educator with over 20 years of experience, X’ernona’s specialty is coaching both children and parents on financial personal development, financial prosperity, and social, emotional intelligence development.
A Chicago Public School Financial Literacy partner, she is widely acclaimed for creating the Kid Millionaire personal financial development program, which is currently available in Chicago public schools. Consequently, she has been featured and interviewed about this program by numerous media outlets including ABC, FOX 32, Heart & Soul, Chicago Sun Times, among others. X’ernona has also developed the Peaceful Resolutions Social Emotional Intelligence Development Program, which is available in Chicago Public Schools and abroad.
Millions of children are at a socially economic disadvantage and are not learning the power of financial personal development and will one day grow up to be a paycheck to Monday adults. The lack of understanding of the importance of social-emotional intellect and personal development creates a gap between failure and success.
More than seventy percent of Americans live paycheck to Monday, twenty-seven percent can not cover unexpected $400 expenses, sixty percent of employees experience financial stress and money is at the top for being the most stressful topic. Kid Millionaire Inc. specializes in teaching youth and their parents via the Millionaire Parent workshops how to adopt a prosperity-conscious mindset and character development.
It is not as much about the money as it is about understanding the underlining reasons as to why one relates to money quite differently from others. Kid Millionaire Inc. delves deeper as they teach about the Psychology of Money and personal development. The two intercalate and the results are a success. The more one works on banishing old habits and belief systems and one adopts empowering beliefs that guide them to reach their aspirations within all sectors of their life. Kid Millionaire Inc. is more than financial health as they target every sector of our scholars’ and parents’ lives to ensure success.
Kid Millionaire Inc. holistic approach introduces the family conversation about money and personal development to create wholesome, loving, financially astute healthy homes and communities. The money conversation most people shy away from at a moment’s notice can now be shared vulnerably.

About the program
The Kid Millionaire Inc. & Millionaire Parent personal development and financial prosperity programs are two unstoppable forces to support bridging the economic gap between the wealthy financial mindset and poor financial mindset. Coupled together it intercalates the power of generational wealth and supports both parent and child to introduce the conversation of wealth-building as a family unit. They are more than excited but passionate about empowering communities and schools abroad to connect with methods and tools that work simply by making a powerful decision to choose to adopt wealthy conscious thoughts that connect with feelings to take action and lead to rewarding results. Kid Millionaire Inc. & Millionaire Parent are here to shatter unlimited beliefs that hold scores of people back from reaching goals and aspirations to lead and create a worthwhile lifestyle. Economic disparity is a serious matter, and we implore you to take action for your school climate, culture, and community now. For more details, contact
About the book and animation
Kid Millionaire Inc. has also produced a book and animation entitled Save That Penny For A Sunny Day that explores entrepreneurship in the realm of producer and consumer and bartering. The animation was created to further enrich and inspire youth to believe that they have limitless thoughts to be, do and have a life of prosperity.
Well, over ten years as an educator, entrepreneur, financial mentor, financial education partner with Chicago Public Schools, author of Secretary of State and State Recommended children’s book Save That Penny For A Sunny Day, featured on several media outlets ABC (Channel 7) Fox 32, Chicago Tribune, WVON 1690, Money Smart Partner (Federal Reserve). Books are implemented within Chicago Public Library, Member of Jump Start Coalition, author of the Financial Mental Diet, recommendations from Alderman, Commissioner, Secretary of State and State Librarian, principals, parents attesting to Kid Millionaire professionalism, and expertise.
Kid Millionaire Inc.’s unorthodox techniques and methods have proven to be result-oriented and inspire to transform their financial lives to foster a prosperous lifestyle.
To learn more, please visit the following websites:
For press inquiries, contact X’ernona Woods at (773) 217-4895/ (847) 886-4813 or