Tymika Chambliss Releases Children’s Book About Breast Cancer: Pink Hope and the Hope Leaders

Nationwide — Devin’s mom has breast cancer and he is afraid. Can he catch it? Will his mom be ok? What can he do to help? Pink HOPE, the breast cancer warrior, will take Devin and Sammie on a magical journey to finding HOPE. Breast cancer has met its match!

Pink HOPE and the HOPE Leaders by Tymika Chambliss is a fictional, children’s book that tackles the difficult subject, breast cancer, with a melanated, female superhero as the main character. Breast cancer isn’t an individual diagnosis. It affects the entire family, and more than likely, it can become a emotional struggle for kids. This is why Tymika wrote this book.

The book also includes Imagination Pages that provide a space for each child to create their own version of Pink HOPE.

Tymika Chambliss is a mother, writer, content creator, and breast cancer advocate. Diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2019, Tymika decided to dedicate her journey to building platforms and empowerment tools for others. Pink HOPE and the HOPE Leaders is one of those tools.

After receiving her diagnosis, she struggled with explaining breast cancer to her kids. So, a week after her mastectomy surgery, she wrote this book. Without telling them who authored the manuscript, she gave it to her kids to read and they loved it. That moment opened the door for her to share her journey with her children. They have truly been her HOPE Leaders!

Book Details:
Superhero/Fantasy Picture Book 40 Pages
11 x 8.5 Book (hardback, softback, and e-book)
$16.99 at The HOPE Factory
$20.99 at Amazon
$6.99 E-book

Learn more at HopeRulesTheWorld.com

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