Tag: exercise

How Walking Makes Us Healthier, Happier and Brainier

How Walking Makes Us Healthier, Happier and Brainier

Neuroscientist Shane O’Mara believes that plenty of regular walking unlocks the cognitive powers of the brain like nothing else. He explains why you should exchange your gym kit for a pair of comfy shoes and get strolling. Taking a stroll with Shane O’Mara is a risky endeavour. The neuroscientist is so passionate about walking, and...

What a Brief Jog Can Do for Your Brain

What a Brief Jog Can Do for Your Brain

Just 15 minutes of movement is all it takes. by Ephrat Livni If you have 15 minutes to spare, do not sit and chill. Instead, a new study says, you should go out for a quick, light jog. It will leave you feeling more energetic than resting, which will lift your spirits and in turn...

Cannabis An Exercise Aid?

Cannabis An Exercise Aid?

When it comes to cannabis use and physical activity, the popular perception is split: On one hand, stereotypes perpetuate the idea of sedentary stoners who sit around snacking. On the other, groups like the World Anti-Doping Agency consider cannabis a performance-enhancing drug, and more and more professional athletes cite cannabis as a key component of...