10-YEAR OLD BLACK PAGEANT QUEEN REVEALS WHAT IT TAKES TO WEAR A CROWN IN NEW BOOK. Nationwide (BlackNews.com) — Trinity Bush, Pageant queen, affirmation writer, and kid CEO of Beyond What You Can See, has launched her new book The Road to the Crown. Leading a powerful group of 17 pageant beauties, Trinity and her...
Tag: books
February 15, 2016March 3, 2019by EditorIn BooksEntertainmentFood, Lifestyle & CultureinAtlantainBirminghaminCharlotteinMobileinMontgomeryinNewOrleans
“Black Coffee” Wakes Up Social Advocacy For Black Men
Atlanta Author R.L. Byrd has utilized his passion for writing to provide a voice from the African-American male’s multifaceted perspective on love, life & more. In his newest fictional release, Black Coffee, the Brothers break their silence on some of the most pressing social issues challenging today’s black males: Disproportionate homicide rates, unintentional injuries, suicide,...