StarLyte’ Summer Dating Fun in the Sun

StarLyte’ Summer Dating Fun in the Sun

Relationship? Ask StarLyte…Column

It’s the summer season Boo’s & Boo’ettes and that means it’s time to “date outside the box.” That’s right, it’s the season for creative and fun date ideas that winter just couldn’t offer. The weather is awesome (especially in my city, Hot’lanta), people are outdoors and everyone is showing way more skin. (Yup..including me) Summer romance can be a little tricky but I’m here to make sure you’re on point for summer dating fun in the sun!

Although there are plenty of places to go and great activities to get into, there are several things that should be kept in mind to ensure the most successful summer dating experience.  For starters be open to ANYTHING and focus on FUN! (In other words…turn up!) Accept those offers to hang out with new people and try new experiences. Make BBQ’s, pool parties and rooftop gatherings part of your daily routine. “Fun Day” is not exclusively for Sundays. Make everyday a #funday!

Next, to ensure a successful summer dating experience, I would encourage you NOT to get too serious too fast and DON’T put yourself under too much pressure. Summer tends to breed a more casual approach to relationships. Not to say “Mr. or Miss. Right” is not at these summer outings but be careful not to get attached too quickly. Summer romances can heat up quickly and fizzle out by Labor Day. (Not to be a bummer but I have to KEEP IT REAL) Keep it cool as you meet and greet. Don’t expect a love connection and just enjoy having a great time with friends, family and new acquaintances.

Now that I’ve given you the Do’s & Don’ts (No need to thank me, it’s my pleasure), I want to leave you with 5 great summer date ideas that are fun, creative and “outside the box.”

1. STREET FAIRS/FESTIVALS… Street fairs, festivals and parades are a fun and creative way to skip the normal restaurant lunch date and try new dishes for cheap. (Eat , Drink, and Turn Up, I mean….be merry. Haha!)

2. SPORTS… Even if you’re not an “athlete”, engage in a one on one game of basketball. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone and it’s a great way to work up a sweat and get those endorphins pumping. (Without having sex!)

3. BIKE RIDING… This is a relaxing and healthy outing. Find your favorite bike trail and take a cruise down memory lane. Share pleasant memories from your childhood and engage in thought provoking conversation. (If your bike has a basket, throw a blanket, wine spritzer, and some finger foods for a quick outdoor lunch.)

4. STARGAZING.. Now this may seem slightly corny, but it’s a great way to get in touch with your ‘inner geek’! Play a game on “Constellation Trivia” or “How Many Stars Do You See?” Trust me, you’ll love it! (This is one of my favs..after all I am STARLYTE!)

Remember to have FUN, be OPEN, and enjoy your SUMMER!!!! **Smooches**

Contact StarLyte: IG @Starrajay @the_bootique

StarLyte Relationship Coach