Recent Political Poll Puts Fields In A Slight Edge On Maddox In Alabama’s Democratic Governors Race

Recent Political Poll Puts Fields In A Slight Edge On Maddox In Alabama’s Democratic Governors Race

Recent Political Poll Puts Fields In A Slight Edge On Maddox In Alabama’s Democratic Governors Race

By Johnnie Whitt

With just about one month from the Primaries, the Political arena in Alabama is really heating up.

There are many positions up for election with the Primary Election being on June 5th and General Election on November 6th.

The Governors Race, has not had a whole lot of publicity interestingly. It seems like the many of the local School Boards, State Representatives and Senate races have out shined the Governors position.

Why The Governors Race Is Important

However, the Governors position is Extremely important. Here’s why: The governor is the chief executive of the state and is elected by the citizens every four years for no more than two consecutive terms. The governor makes policy recommendations that lawmakers in both the state House and Senate chambers may sponsor and introduce as bills. The governor also appoints members of boards, vacant elected positions and commissions who oversee the heads of state agencies and departments.

The constitutional and statutory duties of the Governor include but not limited to:

  • Signing or vetoing bills passed by the Legislature.
  • Serving as commander-in-chief of the state’s military forces.
  • Convening special sessions of the Legislature for specific purposes.
  • Recommending the General Bill to appropriate each year’s funding, which the Legislature then amends.
  • Granting reprieves and commutations of punishment and pardons upon the recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles and revoking conditional pardons.
  • Declaring special elections to fill vacancies in certain elected offices.

… To just name a few things.

In the state of Alabama, we have seen disruption in Jefferson County DA’s office with appointments by the Governor and the Governor taking the lead with Alabama State University Trustee Board in Montgomery, AL, to just name a few.

Recent Poll Results

A recent poll by an A rated independent research organization, shows some very interesting info.

They polled voting Alabamians (from North to South Alabama) ages: 18 – 65+; race: Black, White, Hispanic and Asian; sex: Male, Female, Transsexual; lifestyle: Straight and LGBTQ; annual income: from less than $10,000 – $150,000 +; career: day laborers – professionals; religious: Christian – Non Christian; social/political: Liberal, Independent and Conservative; martial status: Single, Married, Divorced, Widow and Blended Family; recreation: sports, travel, extreme, drug use, reading, hunting, music, art and food to just name a few. The poll was based on popularity, ability to make solid change for Alabama and character.

James Fields leads slightly with 30.6%, Walt Maddox 29.9% and Sue Bell Cobb 28.9%. Anthony White, Doug ‘New Blue’ Smith and Christopher Countryman follow with less than 5% each.

What’s The Edge

This is what we found interesting. Out of all the areas where you would think that Alabamians would be MOST interested in: Lottery, Health, Education, LGBTQ rights, Women rights & Income (these were certainly HIGH on the list and important) … what gave James Fields the edge is that he is Black.

Most who participated in the poll, stated the fact that Fields is Black, would help put a whole NEW light on Alabama, nationally and internationally.

Alabama is known as the home of civil rights movement because of the opposition of Blacks. Helping to lead the way were activists such as: Martin L. King, Rosa Parks, Hosea Williams, John Lewis, Ralph Abernathy just to name a few.

Because of some very brave, positive and innovative leaders … Equal Human/People Rights have been demanded in Alabama and across the country. All including: Race Rights, Sex Rights, Woman Rights and more.

It was very interesting to see that many people think that electing someone who is black in the position as Governor, would change the face and economic landscape of Alabama and believe that a black person can WIN. (We all know segregation and racism challenges that faced Alabama).

Comments From Alabama Voters

“Just think about the number of people who had horrible experiences in Alabama and said they would never come back. Think about the number of innovative and forward moving companies who will be attracted to Alabama because of the progress. All helping to increase family income, better health care, more tourism, better education and overall growth of Alabama.” said one single, white, retired military, working professional female of South Alabama age 40 (born and raised in Alabama), participating in the poll.

“That ONE action of electing James Fields as Governor, will send such a positive message to the entire nation,” says an Asian millennial female who is a college student at the University of Alabama.

“I think that electing a black person into the position as Governor, will also be a public apology of how blacks were treated in the south especially Alabama,” says a white female retired widow from North Alabama.

“Doing (electing) the same old thing and expecting a different outcome is insanity. However, no one is perfect and heck…we been doing the same old thing for hundreds of years. Biblically, man cannot even direct his own step. But, we have made enough progress, changes and advancements to try (elect) some one black,” says a 58 years old White male business owner, married with 2 grown children and 1 grandchild in Central Alabama.

A married white female age 35, who is also a mother of 4, living in rural Central Alabama with a family income of $26,000 annually states, “…No I have not voted in about 12 years. But things are so tough for us that I am willing to try anything! Even if it is voting for a black man. My husband a straight up republican and red neck as they can be. I don’t agree with him and his ways a lot, but he is my husband. You are not using my name in this right?!”

A married Black male family head of six (6) age 45 in the Black Belt of Alabama stated, “Promise after Promise has been made to us around election time from those (censored comment) … my family is still the same, No Money, No Healthcare, No good water. I get up to work everyday! The state doesn’t give me anything. This is home for us. We can’t afford to move.  From my choices, I’m willing to give Fields a chance.”

The Independent stated about the Black Belt in Alabama, “I think it’s very uncommon in the first world. This is not a sight that one normally sees,” said Philip Alston, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. “I’d have to say that I haven’t seen this.”

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Another Impact On Alabama Voters Thinking

Over this past weekend thousands visited Montgomery Alabama when EJI, opened it’s Museum and Memorial.

The exhibits brought to light how blacks were unjustly treated and tortured because of their race mainly in Alabama.

With the attendance of thousands, celebrities and media, PEOPLE get to experience what Black people had to unjustly endure, especially in Alabama.

“The visit to EJI’s Exhibit touched my heart. Such butchering of Black people happened right here in this state. We as a country have made a lot of progress, but so much more is needed,” says a visitor from Kentucky.

For more information regarding democratic candidates, click on the names to visit their websites: Sue Bell Cobb, Christopher Countryman, James Fields, Walt Maddox, Doug ‘New Blue’ Smith and Anthony White.