1. Check your BlackBerry in bed
2. Ask for a kiss
3. Wear low-rise jeans
4. Mess with another man’s automobile
5. Send an angry e-mail
6. Dismiss a woman who shows any interest in watching baseball with you
7. Snoop through her e-mail, closets, or medicine chest
8. Keep a home-run ball hit by the opposing team
9. Forget an undershirt
10. Four words: inner-thigh adductor machine
11. Talk politics or religion with new friends
12. Talk salary
13. Have that extra drink
14. DIY plumbing
15. Leer
16. Argue with a cop
17. Hang anything—your cellphone, your keys—on your belt
18. Pluck your brows
19. Go tanning
Also check out 4 Things Every Man Needs From His Wife