Disrespectful Team Says A Lot About The Opponent

Disrespectful Team Says A Lot About The Opponent
Birmingham, AL – Last night the Democratic Candidates for Governor met for a debate at the Historic Lyric Theatre in Downtown Birmingham, Alabama.
The participants were Sue Bell Cobb, Christopher Countryman, James C. Fields, Walt Maddox and Doug Smith.
“James Fields won the debate”, says James Fields Campaign Manager.
James Fields states that he felt very good about the over all debate. “There were some very good questions asked to all the candidates. But as I stated in the debate, Alabama needs a leader that will step in with integrity and commitment to insure that all of Alabama is whole”.
“During the debate, one of my opponents team was VERY disruptive and portrayed disrespectful behavior, while another candidate was responding.  Makes you wonder what he is endorsing for his family and team to act that way. Is that what you would expect of a responsible leader as Governor of Alabama? Do we really want that type of behavior representing Alabama and making decisions for us. My wife is not disruptive and my team is very respectful…no matter how much we may disagree with what one of my opponents may say. A team will reflect what their coach represents”, says James Fields.
“Alabama is ready to progress, Move Forward and make POSITIVE Change. I AM that change”, concludes James Fields.
For more information regarding James Fields visit MovingALforward.com or JamesFieldsForAL.com