Demetris  Curry Exposes The Formula Of Better Living, Lifestyle Upgrades, and  Enjoying Life With W2AV  Talk™

Just 14% of Americans are ‘Very Happy’ — the Lowest Since the Early ’70s, According to NORC at the University of Chicago. (June 2020)

People are also feeling lonely — 50 percent of Americans said they at least sometimes felt isolated over the last few weeks, while only 23 percent of people said the same in 2018, according to the survey.

Wealth Strategist, Author, and survivor of tragic hardships, Demetris Curry has dedicated her life to guiding people to living a better & happier life overall.

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The term W2AV Talk™ is derived from “Wealth With A Vision”. A pre-COVID workshop tour Demetris Curry and her team produced. The workshop was filled with a superstar lineup of creditable speakers, consultants, and life coaches. The tour was sponsored in part by Columbus Life Insurance and inCity Magazine.

Viewers of W2AV Talk™will have the opportunity to hear first hand from some extraordinary life-changers, how they did it.

Demetris Curry says, “W2AV Talk™ will consist of 1-on-1 conversations with our special guest for all of us to learn who is the real person behind the wealth, the hardships that changed their lives and their ‘why’. W2AV Talk™ is the true ‘formula’ behind better living, lifestyle upgrades, and what direction to take for a more enjoyable life in every area of our lives. W2AV Talk™ focuses on just that … we are committing to peeling back the layers to create the life you want and have always dreamed of”.

Following the launch of W2AV Talk™, Demetris Curry’s NEW book “Brighter Days Ahead” will be released on all platforms. “Brighter Days Ahead” is filled with all the affirmations and tools Demetris Curry used to successfully get through and thrive during a not-so-bright time in her life.

W2AV Talk™ will air every first and third Tuesday. The first show will premiere on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.