Alabama’s Iron Bowl Loss Set-Up For National Championship?

Alabama’s Iron Bowl Loss Set-Up For National Championship?

Many College Football fans have their favorite teams and opinions regarding NCAA and The SEC.

It’s impossible to see the future or predict how some thing will happen, but did the University of Alabama roll the dice and the play fell right?

It’s no question, Alabama’s defense was hurt, which place them in a very venerable position. It was no way for them to win an SEC Championship … but the timing would have them perfect and healthy for National Championship.

Think about it: Lose the Iron Bowl to Auburn; Don’t go to SEC Championship (because with a hurt defense, they had NO Chance to win…with an SEC Championship lost, no way would Alabama go to National Championship); The time off would give the Alabama football team a time to heal and get ready for the BIG picture … “The Road To The Nationals”!

Great Strategy Alabama – It Worked PERFECTLY!

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